Thursday, August 27, 2020

Birth Control Through the Times Essay -- Contraceptives, Birth Control

The possibility of people having control of their familial future is the same old thing. Truth be told, the utilization of contraception goes back to old Egyptian occasions. Notwithstanding the contention that frequently encompasses the utilization of anti-conception medication, history shows that the requirement for pregnancy anticipation existed even before most current religions were built up. This paper will cover the vivid history of what we presently know as contraception, during that time and up to current occasions. Ideally, this can give the crowd a smart thought about how fundamental this idea is, and to take a gander at controlling your fate with objectivity. Starting in old occasions, individuals saw a need to control the measure of youngsters that they may have. One human advancement specifically, the antiquated Egyptians, had novel ways to deal with conception prevention. Drawings found from the time, around 3000 B.C., delineated men wearing condom like gadgets. This human advancement additionally had what is known as a pessary, which is an item or blend that is embedded into the vagina to square or slaughter sperm. A portion of their blends may have included stones, crocodile manure, or even stone salt. The Egyptians likewise utilized ocean wipes doused in lemon juice; much like a lady today may utilize a wipe with a spermicidal. The Egyptians weren’t the main antiquated development to use contraception strategies; the old Greeks utilized a strategy for post coital anti-conception medication. This technique was utilized when the couple was finished with sex, and the lady was to hunch down apply strain to the midsection to free the vagina of semen. One more methodology from inside a similar timeframe was that of Aristotle, who suggested that ladies â€Å"anoint that piece of the belly where the seed falls† with olive oil, cedar oil, or f... ...e or not to have youngsters. This is an example that will no uncertainty continue later on as long as laws permit it. All things considered, ideally some understanding can be picked up by finding out about the historical backdrop of contraception, and maybe it can demystify this no-no that nobody needs to discuss. Works Cited Clemmitt, Maricia. Discussions of Women's Access to Birth Control. Women's Health 2006. Storm Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 18 Feb. 2012 Cornblatt, Johanna. The History of Birth Control. Newsweek - National News, World News, Business, Health, Technology, Entertainment, and that's only the tip of the iceberg - Newsweek. Newsweek, 2009. Web. 18 Feb. 2012. Strict Views on Birth Control. Wikipedia. Web. 18 Apr. 2011. Stacey, Dawn. â€Å"What Do Religions Say About Birth Control and Family Planning?† About.Com 2011. Web. 5 March. 2012.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Container Line Mergers and Acquisitions †

Question: Talk about the Container Line Mergers and Acquisitions. Answer: Presentation Disintegration of transportation rate brought about issues inside holder delivering industry. Various transportation organizations brought about misfortunes in 2016. Absence of reasonable benefit levels bring about expanded industry union that fills in as an essential pattern in mergers and acquisitions (Adamopoulos 2017). Compartment delivering industry is fragmented and solidification may encourage vocations to produce economies of scale. The target of this paper is to break down the operational and administrative attributes of the compartment liner segment through clarify the instance of NYK-MOL-K.Line. In addition, the patterns towards fixation in the commercial center by means of the procedure of mergers acquisitions are clarified through taking the case of this organization in this paper. Operational and Managerial Characteristics of the Container Liner Sector Compartment line is a help industry that offers payload transportation of global exchange. Tasks of delivery are sorted into segments: Mass delivery which offers benefits significantly with respect to crude materials transportation that incorporates coal, raw petroleum, grain and iron mineral (Alexandrou, Gounopoulos and Thomas 2014). Liner dispatching that offers benefits in transportation of semi-last and last items like assembling item, PCs and buyer items. Considering these two tasks of compartment line segment it is seen that Japanese lines, for example, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha(K Line), NipponYusenKabushiki Kaisha(NYK), and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) are together going to work being Ocean Network Express (Cosco 2017). The significant patterns in the containership business that brought about such merger are a general worry in the drawn out budgetary strength of steamship lines. Such joint endeavor is regarded to create 6th greatest transporter by size alongside in general limit of around 1.4 million alongside control of around 7% piece of the pie. Stakes inside the joint endeavor are sectioned via transporter size, in which NYK achieves armada limit of 592,000 TEU and K line with MOL mind around 31% every that has limits of around 358,000 and 491,000 TEUs (David 2003). Through this obtaining, through such kind of worldwide coalition extraordinary scale advantages can be achieved. This is ensured through appropriate administration of profo undly visit administration, lesser travel times, more extensive port inclusion and diminished opening expenses. Securing has additionally guaranteed appropriate administration of the blended delivery organizations through keeping up a stringer bartering circumstance for haggling with holder warehouses, terminal administrators alongside inland transportation bearers (Lau 2015). From the merger of NYK-MOL-K.Line, three Japanese organizations guaranteed better administration of their business tasks through creation more prominent endeavors in reducing expenses and with business rebuilding. In any case, there are sure cutoff points with respect to the viewpoints that can be exclusively accomplished. After the merger, these organizations proposed to improve its business tasks as these organizations were managing issues in regards to refering to low costs, lazy freight request alongside exchange limit over flexibly (Lee and Song 2015). Such merger is regarded to encourage organizations in better administration of their business activities, for the joint endeavor organization is foreseen to produce certain cooperative energy sway through utilizing best practices led by three organizations. Through achieving favorable position of scale value of vessel armada that is around 1.4 million TEUs, the consolidated organizations can look for fast adjustment of money relat ed execution (Luo, Fan and Wilson 2014). Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha(K Line), NipponYusenKabushiki Kaisha(NYK), and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) coordinated their compartment activities. This merger is esteemed to guarantee mechanical headways in transport development and structure alongside guaranteeing economies of scale for greater boats that can advance exchange, explicitly that of creating nation through creation merchandise transportation conservative over significant distances (Notebook, Parola, Satta and Pallis 2017). Such merger is regarded to encourage Ocean Network Express in better tending to purchaser needs through contribution unrivaled quality serious administrations by union and improvement of three organizations inside universal system alongside administration structures. Operational participation of such merger is clarified beneath as: Terminal agreements and joint terminals Joint mainliner administrations Joint buy or boat proprietorship Joint buy or compartment use Joint compartment warehouses Together oversaw compartment nd gear pools Joint EDI frameworks Patterns towards Concentration in the Market-Place by means of Mergers Acquisitions Merger of NYK-MOL-K.Line clarified inclines inside the commercial center that is achieved through merger and acquisitions. These three organizations were collaborating in administrations or items through understandings of vessel sharing alongside partnership conspire (Pallis, Notteboom and De Langen 2015). The significant patterns in the containership business that brought about such merger are a general worry in the drawn out money related soundness of steamship lines. Shippers watched a pattern that achieving more decisions are solid for the division and encourages in offsetting prerequisites of flexibly chain. The transportation organizations in the ongoing years consider completing a ceaseless drive for reducing expenses by sending of greater boats (Luo, Fan and Wilson 2014). Also, compartments are basically conveyed by specific cell holder ships among which are skilled to haul around 5000 TEUs (Papanikolaou 2015). Transportation industry has contributed enormous sums for tending to the innovative needs. Propelled holder terminals loaded with successful quaky cranes has been created alongside effective operational structures including privatization actualized for expanding dispatching activities of NYK-MOL-K.Line (Luo, Fan and Wilson 2014). Normality and administration recurrence that are two objectives related with liner transporting in arrangement with sending enormous holder boats may bring about diminished limit use for singular bearers. From the instance of NYK-MOL-K.Line it is clear that transportation liners are extraordinarily centered around asset sharing and unions as opposed to engaging in merger and procurement (Stopford 2009). It is additionally assembled that, movement of merger and securing is achieving energy in delivery terminals part for the financial specialists are incredibly centered around key buying choices. Ongoing patterns in merger and procurement in transportation industry has radically expanded as various countries are centered around growing better and related foundation. Port clog as a result of greater ships alongside increment in delivery mergers filled in as a worry that is incredibly affecting terminal organizations. Inside boat claiming range the ongoing patterns in regards to expanded capital serious systems are planned to catch economies of scale alongside diminishing expenses and monetary dangers (Alexandria, Giannopoulos and Thomas 2014). A blend of various patterns is esteemed to be changed inside the transportation part over years. Administrative changes alongside bigger vessels use, monetary emergency alongside high rivalry has brought about compartment transporting associations to uncover distinctive joint effort ways from unions which offers them expanded security since (Alexandrou, Gounopoulos and Thomas 2014). Such merger is considered to encourage organizations in better administration of their business tasks, for the joint endeavor organization is foreseen to produce certain collaboration sway through utilizing best practices led by three organizations. Through achieving preferred position of scale value of vessel armada that is around 1.4 million TEUs, the combined organizations can look for fast adjustment of monetary execution (Luo, Fan and Wilson 2014). End The target of this paper is to break down the operational and administrative qualities of the holder liner part through clarify the instance of NYK-MOL-K.Line. It is accumulated from the paper that from the merger of NYK-MOL-K.Line, three Japanese organizations guaranteed better administration of their business tasks through creation more noteworthy endeavors in reducing expenses and with business rebuilding. Notwithstanding, there are sure cutoff points with respect to the viewpoints that can be independently achieved. It was likewise assembled that Liner dispatching that such merger offers benefits in transportation of semi-last and last items like assembling item, PCs and buyer items. After the merger, these organizations proposed to improve its business tasks as these organizations were managing issues in regards to refering to low costs, drowsy payload request alongside exchange limit over gracefully. References Adamopoulos, A., 2017. Arrangement social orders put under a magnifying glass by complex boxship plan. Lloyds List 26.9.17. Gotten to 02.10..17. Alexandrou, G., Gounopoulos, D. what's more, Thomas, H.M., 2014. Mergers and acquisitions in shipping.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,61, pp.212-234. Cosco, 2017.COSCO Buying OOCL Would Create Trans-Pacific Container King gCaptain. [online] gCaptain. Accessible at: oocl-would-make trans-pacific-compartment lord/[Accessed 9 Nov. 2017]. David, F.R., 2003. Key Management ninth Edition. New Jersey: Pearson, pp.156-182. Lau, Y.Y., 2015. Advancement and Formation of Shipping Networks in the Contemporary Shipping Environment. Lee, E.S. what's more, Song, D.W., 2015. Rivalry and co-activity in sea coordinations tasks. InHandbook of Ocean Container Transport Logistics(pp. 477-496). Springer International Publishing. Lloyds List: issues/combination Accessed 25.9.17. Luo, M., Fan, L. what's more, Wilson, W.W., 2014. Firm development and market focus in liner shipping.Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP),48(1), pp.

Friday, August 21, 2020

US History DBQ Essay Samples - How To Choose The Best One

US History DBQ Essay Samples - How To Choose The Best OneUS History DBQ Essay samples can be good things. We all know that what you write in your resume will show your previous academic achievements and the rest of your life accomplishments. With those at hand, it will be easier for you to build a very strong resume.But there are times when we want to modify the information you put in your US History DBQ Essay sample. It may be so that you can get more experience or the syllabus you have been studying may change. As well, some people may have to change their current education because of their job, or other reasons.To meet those needs, you can always look for US History DBQ Essay samples that you can use instead of your original version. You may be surprised to find out that there are a lot of them available on the Internet.In order to be able to make the most of these US History DBQ Essay samples, you should be able to do some background checking first. With this, you will be able to determine if the sample is really legitimate or not. A lot of people who work as instructors will tell you that the best way to evaluate your instructor is by doing a little research.In fact, you can do your research for the US History DBQ Essay samples yourself. While you may be skeptical, doing your own research is really something that you should do.By doing your own research, you will be able to determine whether the sample has been altered in any way or not. This is because there are a lot of people who offer these sample versions for a very cheap price, but the content will be different from your professor's lecture notes.On the other hand, there are also a lot of these samples that are not even related to US History. So you will need to be careful when you buy these US History DBQ Essay samples because there may be a lot of plagiarized content in there as well.By doing your research, you will be able to determine which sample you will actually use. And the best thing about t his is that you can always go back to these US History DBQ Essay samples in case you need more practice writing the syllabus for your college.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Counterculture Movement Essay - 1438 Words

John Lennon of the famous rock band, The Beatles, once said, â€Å"If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there’d be peace†. This quote essentially defines the 1960s and the counterculture movement in America. After WWII people had much more free time than they did during the war, and many people decided that they wanted to settle down and start a family. This caused a large boom in child birth. The children born during this boom are known as â€Å"baby-boomers†. â€Å"Due to the baby boom between 1945 and 1955, over half the population was under 30 years old† (The American Experience 1). During this time in American history, the children of the â€Å"baby boomer† generation started rebelling against the war in Vietnam and the†¦show more content†¦Let It Be, Strawberry Fields Forever, Revolution, and many other songs by the British rock band, The Beatles, helped shape the counterculture movement. Many songs by Th e Beatles supported the ideas of rebellion, freedom and drug use. The Beatles were the most popular musical group in the 1960s, and they were loved and idolized by many. They are still considered to be one of the greatest, if not the, greatest musical group ever. Although the Beatles were the most popular and influential rock group of the time, eclectic groups and singers of all different genres helped shape the music scene in the 1960s, such as: Bob Dylan, the Beach Boys, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and the Who. Music by all of these artists â€Å"reflected the new sexual permissiveness and drug trends† (The American Experience 2). In 1969, a music festival called â€Å"Woodstock† was put together. It lasted for over three days and around 500,000 people came to listen to the music. Artists like the Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin. The majority of the people that attended the festival were hippies. Hippies wore loose clothing, for the most part advocated d rug use, and promoted peace and love. Woodstock showcased a moment in time where an entire generation became empowered and realized that they needed to break away from the status quo. Music had a huge influence on the baby-boomer generation and the counterculture of the 1960s as a whole. A large part of theShow MoreRelatedThe Hippie Counterculture Movement1751 Words   |  8 PagesHippie Counterculture Flower child, a name that forms in the mind an image of an innocent child, denoted the youth of the mid-1960s. These youth, otherwise called the hippies, relied not so much on innocence, but instead sought freedom to distinguish the conformity the past generations held. Before these youth, the Beats or Beatniks from the Beat Generation spread throughout the Western Worlds around the 1950s. The Beats’ philosophy paralleled that of the hippies, however, their focus centeredRead MoreThe Counterculture Of The Hippie Movement1768 Words   |  8 Pageschallenging the modern society they were living in. The term â€Å"counterculture† started to appear in form of movements, mainly initiated by young people who rejected the mainstream society rules. In the following report I will be focusing on the hippie movement that started in 1960s and how the. Woodstock Music and Art Festival of 1969 became the most important music festival of the 1960s counterculture and thus a symbol of the hippie movement. Identity, body and fashion are some of the topics that willRead MoreRelfection of the American Environmental Movement Counterculture765 Words   |  3 PagesAmerican Counterculture Reflection The modern Environment Movement began with the passing of the Wilderness Act of 1964. The act established a National Wilderness System and created 9 millions acres. The main influence and writer of the act Howard Zahniser, who felt that we needed wilderness as it takes us away from technology that gives us perspective of mastering the environment rather than being a part of it (Nash, 2001). With the passing of the act Americans questioned both preservation andRead MoreThe American Counterculture Movement909 Words   |  4 PagesThe American counterculture movement began with the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, the termination of the United States combat involvement in Southeast Asia, the end of the draft in 1973, and the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon in 1974. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was the main organizational groups of the campus-based radical movement known as the New Left in the 1960s. The New Left was a term used to describe the le ft wing movements in the 1960s and 1970sRead MoreA Brief Analysis Of the Counterculture Movement of the 1960s2857 Words   |  12 Pagessense, the counterculture refers to the culture, especially of young people, with values or lifestyles in opposition to those of the established culture in the dictionary. Until its appearance in 1969 in Theodore Roszaks influential book, The Making of a Counter Culture, counterculture, written as one word or two, has become the standard term to describe the cultural revolt of the young. Although distinct countercultural undercurrents exist in all societies, here the term counterculture refers toRead MoreFeminism And The Counterculture Movement926 Words   |  4 PagesAlternative counterculture lifestyles arose, such as the hippie lifestyle, and youth began to celebrate creativity and experimentation. Social issues that were previously irrelevant to the mainstream, such as environmentalism, human sexuality, and women’s rights, gained nation al attention and sparked counter-hegemonic social movements. One of these movements was the women’s liberation movement, which sought to overturn the dominant ideology of patriarchy. Influenced by the counterculture movement, RobinRead MoreContributions Of The 1960s Counterculture Movement2552 Words   |  11 PagesMichael Betti Dr. Love English 103 19 November 2014 The Contributions of the 1960s Counterculture Movement to Developments in Modern Medicine In today’s society, the 1960s are most commonly remembered for the counterculture, a period of social revolution and self-liberation. However, in addition to the commonly discussed social effects of the counterculture, there were also several notable effects of the movement on the medical field. While some of these new medical developments, such as the growthRead MoreThe 1960s Was A Time Of Great Development1655 Words   |  7 Pagesthe onset of the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Vietnam War certain people were extremely determined to change the views of the world and stand up for what they believed in. One of the largest groups of individuals pushing for change were Hippies. Hippies were a unique group of young individuals who began to break out in their own ways in the country. They were the most extreme anti-conformists. They were the people of the counterculture and they refused to conform to the society’sRead MorePositive and Negative Impacts of th e Sixties Counterculture1532 Words   |  7 Pagesprove that some Americans still had the common sense to care for one another. The young people of the sixties counterculture movement were successful at awakening awareness on many causes that are being fought in modern American discourse. If not for the Revolution that the hippies began, political or social reform and the Peoples voice would be decades behind. While the hippie movement has subsided, as it became too cool and entrenched in mainstream society, the spirit of the Hippies lives onRead MoreThe Hippie Generation1838 Words   |  8 Pages[Source F - definition] ‘Make love not war’ the famous anti-war movement established by students on campuses in the 1960s. With the Vietnam War being the first war televised during this time, many Americans were furious about the events taking place in Vietnam. The college movements and the Vietnam War protesters merged together and together under similar ideologies they fought a greater war against the government and society. The movement believed that everyone in the nation, â€Å"not just the small elite†

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Effects of Advertising - 2126 Words

The Effects of Advertising Advertising is considered a paid communication through a non-personal medium in which the sponsor is identified and the message is controlled. Variations include publicity, public relations, product placement, sponsorship, time shifted advertising, underwriting, and sales promotion. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages such as the television, radio, movies, magazines, newspapers, the internet, and billboards. Advertisements can also be seen on the seats of grocery carts, on the walls of an airport walkway, and the sides of buses, or heard in telephone hold messages or in-store PA systems Ââ€" nearly anywhere a visual or audible communication can be placed. (Wikipedia, 2006) Advertising can be†¦show more content†¦There is absolutely no way to avoid it. For instance, a 1987 survey conducted by the city of St. Louis found twice as many billboards in black neighborhoods as white. Almost 60% of the billboards in the black neighborhoods advertised cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. In another study of seventy-three billboards along nineteen blocks in a black neighborhood in Philadelphia, sixty advertised cigarettes or alcohol. In a 1989 survey by the Abel Foundation, 70% of the 2,015 billboards documented in the city of Baltimore advertised alcohol or tobacco products. Three-fourths of the billboards were in predominately poor African-American neighborhoods. In fact, the Center for Disease Control estimates that billboards advertising tobacco products are placed in African-American communities four to five times more often than in white communities. Furthermore, the advertisements are usually for menthol cigarettes, which are more popular with African- Americans and which have additional significant medical effects. (Randall, 2005) According to an article found in a Washington DC newspaper, minorities, particularly blacks, have been disproportionately targeted by the tobacco industry giants. The internal company records of R.J. Tobacco Com pany and Brown Williamson Tobacco Corporation show how they ran advertising campaigns in magazines, on billboards, buses and other media to attract blacks to mentholated brands such as Salem and Kool. Also, a 1978 corporate memo profiles theShow MoreRelatedAdvertising And Its Effect On Advertising939 Words   |  4 Pages Advertising Advertising has become an important thing in our everyday life. Almost all the companies make advertisements these days. Usually companies when launching a new product gives advertisement about their products may be in on television or newspaper. This kind of advertising attracts audiences who are likely to buy the product. For example, the advertisement of cola attracts a large part of audience and they are influenced by watching their favorite stars drinking a cola on television thatRead MoreAdvertising And Its Effect On Advertising888 Words   |  4 PagesWhen comparing advertisements, certain ones will appeal to people differently. Advertisements are made to get someone’s attention in a quick manor. Some people are more enticed to humor, while others could be drawn to a more sexual image, or something more creative that requires intelligence to create and understand. First, by taking a sip of the Pepsi advertisement, I noticed the horizontal advertisement has a gentle light blue background. The Pepsi logo sits in the corner, not drawing much attentionRead MoreThe Effects Of Advertising On The Advertising Industry817 Words   |  4 Pages Over the past decade, the influences of the advertising industry have been growing significantly and it has become a part of our daily life. Everyone gets exposed to advertisements, because they appear everywhere: on newspapers, fliers lying on the ground, on your favorite TV shows, and you can’t even browsing the Internet without accidentally clicking on 10 random ads. Since advertising has become such a big impact on our life, advertising companies try to come up with new and effective ideas forRead MoreThe Effects Of Advertising On Children s Advertising949 Words   |  4 PagesThe history of advertising is definitely an interesting one, however short it may seem. Since adults become progressively har der to influence as they get older, busier, and have more expenses, media companies have looked to children in order to create brand loyal people for when they get older. According to the Consuming Kids video, advertising to children has been met with a variety of challenges. One challenge that they have come across, and cleared, are the laws that went into effect to stop childRead MoreEffect Of Advertising On Society Essay1728 Words   |  7 PagesTalking about advertising, on the one hand, it is good for its functions, displays, etc.; on the other hand, sometimes it is too good to be true, the way they bring the messages to the consumers which state â€Å"the number one †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . What truly are the miscommunications and how do the viewers react to different types of stimulation among those, are there negative or positive results? This review of literature scope was led by the following question: When it comes to communication and advertising are there positiveRead MoreThe Effects of Advertising Essay706 Words   |  3 PagesThe Effects of Advertising To advertise is to ‘make generally or public known, to praise publicity in order to encourage to buy or use something, to ask or offer by public notice.’ Advertising persuades, informs, competes and, indeed, entertains. The word ‘advertise’ comes from the French word ‘avertir’ which means ‘to warn’. Many years ago, chemists, barbers, prostitutes, etc would have relied on advertising to promote their business. Chemists (or apothecary)Read MoreEffect Of Smartphones On Advertising1241 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effect of Smartphones on Advertising The amount of smartphones users have nearly doubled within the past 5 years, from 35% to 70%.(2014 Marketing Statistics Infographic). As the number of users continues to rise, advertising will continue to integrate with smartphones. Smartphones have dramatically changed the way consumers are approached by advertising companies. Before we can understand how smartphones have changed the advertising industry, we must first recognize that advertising and smartphonesRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Advertising1545 Words   |  7 Pagesfor Americans. Advertising convinces people to buy their products by using a multitude of manipulative ideas: targeting inferiorities, tearing apart confidence and self-image, misrepresenting the benefits of a product, and most importantly, creating materialistic ideals. As Stephen Leacock said â€Å"Advertising: the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.† The materialistic, self-demeaning, and misleading ways of today’s society is why advertising has a profoundlyRead MoreAdvertising And Its Effects On Society844 Words   |  4 Pageslogo, and flyers left on windshields as a form of advertising (2011, p.130). According to Medoff and Kaye, advertising serves an educational, social and economic purpose (2011, p.137). Although advertising appears beneficial in many features, it too has its drawbacks and can be similarly unfavorable. Advertising will perhaps become increasingly ubiquitous, increasingly influential, and increasingly controversial (Advertising, 2011, p.152). Advertising is highly criticized, not so much for its very natureRead MoreEffects Of Advertising Essay1249 Words   |  5 Pages We live each day not knowing the effects of everything our eyes see. We live in a world where we contribute to the prominence of advertising; however, the effects upon us are unknown. Advertising can be seen in the majority of the world, it has gotten to the point in which people become a lmost completely oblivious to them. People see advertisement in stores, in billboards, television, and even their homes. It has come to the point where people believe they are not affected by these ads but that

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

conflict management styles Essay - 559 Words

Conflict Management Styles nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;How many people have conflicts with there parents? This is not a uncommon thing for young adults to show conflict with their parents. Conflicts are something that occur very often and it seems as though young adults have lots of conflicts with their parents. Some young adults feel as though, if they are eighteen, nineteen, or twenty that they are able to make their own decisions. Whether it be staying out past curfew, borrowing the car, or staying over a friends house, the young adult or teenager doesn’t see eye to eye with their parents and this is where the conflict comes into play. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In this paper the conflict†¦show more content†¦The Collaborating tactic may be used when your whole objective on the conflict is to learn. Also it is a good idea to use the Collaborating tactic when you want to work through feeling that have interfered with the relationship with the other person in the conflict. Competing tactic is excellent when you want to cut the through all of the non sense and get to a resolution of the conflict quickly. When quick decisive resolutions are very important, or when people attempt to disagree with you and your right without a doubt. The last tactic that Rahim and Magner talk about is the Compromising tactic. This is good for when, goals are important to you but they are not worth all the trouble they may cause. To achieve rather quick and easy resolutions to rather complex disagreements nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;So, next time there is a conflict with your parents, try to use the accommodating, collaborating, competing, compromising or even avoiding tactic to resolve the problem so both parties feel satisfied. Bibliography: Dumlao, Rebecca. Botta, Renee.†Family communication patterns and the conflict styles young adults use with their fathers.† Communication Quarterly. Vol. 48 no. 2 Spring 2000: 174-189. Endres, Thomas G. :Father-daughter dramas: A Q-investigation of rhetoricalShow MoreRelatedConflict Of Conflict Management Styles1690 Words   |  7 PagesMany people do their best to avoid conflict at all costs, but it is an occurrence that everyone must deal with from time to time. Understandable, the avoidance of conflict is glamorous, however learning how to handle the conflicts can make them seem less bothersome. Learning how to manage conflict is a key factor in becoming a manager and the execution of that learning can be very different from manager to manager. Shanker (2013) describes conflict management styles as an equation involving the dispositionRead MoreConflict Management Styles1081 Words   |  5 PagesConflict Management Styles Myron Harris 09/30/2012 CJA/444 Allen Cole Conflict Management Styles Conflict usually occurs when individuals within a group or organization has differences in opinions. When individuals are in a disagreement about something like policies and procedures or even the overall direction of which an organization or company is heading it can become very frustrating. As we all know conflict the process of conflict usually begins when an individual or party has perceivedRead MoreWorkplace Conflicts And Conflict Management Styles2734 Words   |  11 Pages Workplace Conflicts and Conflict Management Styles Greg Jefia MBA 5213 Dr. Edwards December 12, 2014 â€Æ' Introduction Conflicts in the workplace and interpersonal relationship are inevitable. Organizational conflict is common in the workplace because people always have divergent views on various issues, interests, ideologies, goals, and aspirations (Deutsch, 1990). Conflict exists in all kinds of environments because people compete for power, jobs, resources, security and recognition. People whoRead MoreConflict Management Style With Others1444 Words   |  6 PagesConflict Management Style When considering your conflict management style with others, be it; personal or professional, we tend to use the style that seems appropriate to the conflict. Managing conflict is a difficult task that we all face during our life time, but becoming aware of your own characteristic style could help determine why conflicts result exactly the way they do. It helps determine what is a healthy outcome, or not? Each circumstance is different! Interpersonal conflict is veryRead MoreConflict Management : The Styles And Outcomes Of Managing Conflict1541 Words   |  7 PagesConflict Management: The Styles and Outcomes of Managing Conflict in Modern Society Corbin Metz University of Oklahoma Communication is an obligatory aspect for the existence of human life. In our society today, conflict is managed through various styles, some leading to more positive outcomes than others. Although many people attempt to not confront conflict and rather avoid the issue, which may cause it to worsen, it is an aspect that every person willRead MoreConflict Management Styles Among Corporate Executives1161 Words   |  5 Pagesprevious researchers’ efforts and expertise. A potential research study on â€Å"Conflict Management Styles among Corporate Executives in Developing Countries – Nigeria a Case Study† is considered for a signature assignment. Conflict is inevitable and exists everywhere. In organizational system, conflict and methods of conflict management influences different groups (employees, management team and executives). Conflicts are realities of life and can be defined as a â€Å"situation of competition in whichRead MoreConflict Management Styles Among Corporate Executives1161 Words   |  5 Pagesprevious researchers’ efforts and expertise. A potential research study on â€Å"Conflict Management Styles among Corporate Executives in Developing Countries – Nigeria a Case Study† is considered for a signature assignment. Conflict is inevitable and exists everywhere. In organizational system, conflict and methods of conflict management influences different groups (employees, management team and executives). Conflicts are realities of life and can be defined as a â€Å"situation of competition in whichRead MoreConflict Management Styles At The Individual And Little Gathering Level961 Words   |  4 Pagesunasked and unanswered: Is there any confirmation that conflict cultures exist at the authoritative level? How do such unmistakable conflict cultures create? How do leaders shape the advancement of conflict cultures? What are the results of conflict cultures for authoritative level results? Answers to these inquiries can t be found in the psychological literature on conflict, which has for the most part centered around conflict management styles at the individual and little gathering level. In thisRead MoreConflict Between Conflict Management Styles885 Words   |  4 PagesConflict Conflict is defined as â€Å"a struggle or contest between people with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values or goals† (Popovic and Hocenski, 2009, p. 15). As a manager or leader, you take on the responsibility as a problem solver. Thus,  knowing how to resolve a conflict that respect each individual that is involved shows the ability to deal with conflict. Conflict management styles is being able to manage conflict in a functional manner (Satterlee, 2013).   Ã‚  According to Satterlee (2013) theRead MoreEssay on Conflict Management Styles 1166 Words   |  5 PagesConflict is known to be inseparable in all human interactions. In any organization, role differentiation acquires the different uses of conflict handling styles. Work direction, reward, supervision, discipline and performance review also involve the use of conflict handling styles. Organizational change and control is also viewed from a conflict perspective. In attempts to explain the nature or dynamics of a particular organizational phenomenon, conflict may be incorporated as a causal factor (Brown

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams Essay Example For Students

The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams Essay Though Tom narrates The Glass Menagerie and his sister Laura is symbolically the actual glass menagerie, the play belongs to neither of them. The play belongs to their mother, Amanda, as substantiated by the above quote from Joseph K. Davis. Amanda indulges herself in memories of the past and refuses to accept the present. The play is also hers because it is her tragedy. It is about how she behaves after her husband leaves her and her reaction when her son shows signs of doing the same. She also controls the two conflicts of the play, as well as the glass menagerie represents her fragile world of illusions and memories of the past. Amandas control over the two conflicts of the play exists in the fact that she creates them. She supplies the conflict between herself and Tom as well as provides the conflict of having Laura marry. In the case of Tom she constantly nags him and questions where is he Is going and then openly states her doubts of his truthfulness. Her nagging starts in the beginning of the play in her conversation with Tom, in which she tells him how to eat his food. Later she tells him how costliness of his smoking habit, You smoke too much. A pack a day at fifteen cents a pack. How much would that amount to in a month? . Later in the play she also manages to comment on Toms appearance and how she wished he would take better care of himself in that respect. She also accuses Tom of lying about where he is going at night. When he says that he is at the movies she states that he could not possibly be going to the movies every night, Nobody goes to the movies as often as pretend to. She also calls him selfish, Self, self, self is all that you ever think of! As for his sister, the conflict surrounding her marriage is constant. Amanda does not want Laura to become an old maid, and attempts to send Laura to a local business school to receive training as a secretary in hopes that Laura will attract men. When Amanda discovers that Laura has stopped attending school she is flabbergasted, more because Laura did not tell her. Amanda finds out when she goes to the school to collect make-up work for Laura because she was out sick for a few days. Amanda is also angry because she does not want Laura to be unmarried, I know so well what becomes of unmarried women who arent prepared to occupy a position. Ive such pitiful cases in the South-barely tolerated spinsters eating the crust of humanity all their life. To fix the situation, Amanda asks Tom to go and find a man from work to date Laura. Amanda also starts to sale magazine subscriptions to receive some more money to make the apartment a little more showy and to also inquire about suitable bachelors. Both of the conflicts are resolved more or less in one incident, Jims Announcement of his engagement. The incident resolves the conflict with Tom because after Amanda finds out that Jim is engaged, she begins to accuse Tom of lying to her about not knowing of Jims engagement. She also manages to throw in a nice jab about his accused selfishness, Don t let anything Interfere with your selfish pleasure! Just go, go, go- to the movies. This is the last straw for Tom and he leaves. Well, actually he leaves comes back, and then joins the Merchant Marines after being fired from his job in the warehouse. This announcement resolves the conflict surrounding Lauras marriage because it ends the attempt to have her marry Jim. Not to say that this event stops any future attempts, but it does stop the one in the play. Both outcomes are tied directly to Amanda because she bring them about. .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb , .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb .postImageUrl , .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb , .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb:hover , .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb:visited , .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb:active { border:0!important; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb:active , .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0377c14204e88939f1d4b46bf12767fb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: One World Down the Drain EssayShe is the one who wanted a suitor for Laura, so it is partially her fault that the event happens. As for Tom, she is the one who accuses him and pushes right out of her world, because he eventually just walks down the fire escape never to return. And as Tom leaves down the fire escape he has literally left Amanda but he has also symbolically escaped her world of illusion. He does this because the fire escape is the symbol for escape in the play. This is substantiated by the fact that Tom can walk up and down the steps of the fire escape, but the only time Laura is seen leaving through the fire escape, she slips and falls. That symbolizes her inability to leave the world of illusion, because at the end of the play she is still with Amanda in the world of illusion and Tom is not. Amanda creates the world of illusion that Tom escapes by living in a memory of the past. She continually remembers her youth and her many suitors. As well as, remembering her husband who left her and he children sixteen years ago. She keeps a large picture of him hanging dead center in her living room, suggesting that her is the center of her world even though he left years ago. The picture also severs to remind her of the tragedy she suffered. She then uses the painfully memory of her husbands desertion to ensure that Laura does not do the same. This again relates back to the tragedy she lives in because of her refusal to refusal to live in the present. On top of creating a world of based in the past, she also creates one similar to the glass menagerie in which things are delicate and for show only. She does this by changing the appearance of things to make them more appealing to the perspective suitors for Laura. Amanda not only puts money into altering the apartment but also alters Lauras appearance to make her more attractive to Jim, again for show only. Amanda then extends this illusion into making Laura like one of the glass animals for the menagerie. She refuses to allow Laura to do anything that may cause her to not remain beautiful for her prospective suitors, I want you fresh and pretty -for gentlemen callers. The only problem is there are no suitors. She refuses to accept the fact that her shy and slightly crippled daughter is not as sought after as Amada was when she was young and living in the South. Your mother received-seventeen! gentlemen callers! , or so Amanda keeps claiming, though she lives so far from reality that she cannot see through the illusions she has created. In fact, she accuses Tom of being the one that creates the illusions. In the midst of her shouting at Tom, she says You live in a dream; you manufacture illusions. This is of course ironic as she is the one who is not only stuck in illusions of the past but she is also oblivious to the reality in front of her. Her reality denial spills over into her dialogue, which furthers her delusions of the past. She speaks very politely and energetically as she did as a Southern Belle. Gracious, you talk as though all of my old admirers had turned up their toes to the daises! is one such example. She could have said that her old admirers had died or past on, but she said turned their toes up to the daises. The unfortunate thing is that she is no longer a Southern Belle just standing around waiting for rich men to come by and propose. By her speaking like a Southern Belle, she is connected her to the world she creates of illusions and the one for show. .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a , .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a .postImageUrl , .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a , .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a:hover , .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a:visited , .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a:active { border:0!important; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a:active , .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uac61a327f6556d2de05fff52e093b39a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Courtroom Drama EssayThe connections are achieved by the fact that in the past she was Southern Belle with many rich suitors vying for her hand in marriage. This is also an illusion because she is no longer a Southern Belle but tries to maintain that front. It is also this connection to her illusions of the past that combines the proof that this is her play. She is the one who creates the world she lives in to protect herself from the tragedy of her husband leaving her. She is also the one who causes the conflict of the play out of her illusions of the past and therefore she is the person who dramatizes the tragedy of not living honestly and fully in the present.